Drawn character, a walking box with eyes

The TV Trampoline: from Children’s Television to Contemporary Art and Literature

Petra Bauer, Ida Börjel & Lo Hillarp, Andjeas Ejiksson, Annika Eriksson, Jennifer Hayashida, Salad Hilowle, Balsam Karam, Behzad Khosravi Noori, Runo Lagomarsino, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Olivia Plender

09/04 - 18/09 2022

Can we think of children’s programs on television as part of cultural heritage? In Sweden, the answer would be yes, if we speak about the period from 1965 to 1985. The exhibition The TV Trampoline: From Children’s Television to Contemporary […]

Coffee cups on a shelf

With tired backs and hearts with room for more

Muna Alyaqoobi, Oreet Ashery, The Bridge Radio, Emma Dominguez, Jasleen Kaur, Mourning School, Birgitta Nordström, Martin Nordström, Arash Pandi, Linda Persson with Katrin Jonsson, SBAR, Lisa Stålspets

19/02 - 24/04 2022

With tired backs and hearts with room for more takes its starting point from the collectively made newspaper – Vård och Värde (Care and Value). The newspaper, made by cultural and care workers, focuses on the working conditions and experiences […]