
215 West 98th Street, The Gramont, 2014, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

215 West 98th Street, The Gramont, 2014, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir


The Ingredients of Hummus in the Ten Sephirots, 2012, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

The Ingredients of Hummus in the Ten Sephirots, 2012, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir


The Letter “I” in the Landscape, 2012, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

The Letter “I” in the Landscape, 2012, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir


The Mangrove Tree, the Ocean and the Sun, Tripyk, 2015, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

The Mangrove Tree, the Ocean and the Sun, Tripyk, 2015, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir


The High Line and the Moon, Tripyk, 2015, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

The High Line and the Moon, Tripyk, 2015, Erla S. Haraldsdóttir